Rezwan Ahmed & His Team || Software Engineer || CMS Developer | Contents Writer | Graphics Designer |


programming bug

When a small bug or programming bug can destroy the entire software coding project, then developer, tester and project manager show react such way.


10 Programming Languages Must should be Learn Right Now




Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the 1990s. It’s one of the most in-demand programming languages, a standard for enterprise software, web-based content, games and mobile apps, as well as the Android operating system. Java is designed to work across multiple software platforms, meaning a program written on Mac OS X, for example, could also run on Windows.,

2. Python


Python is a high-level, server-side scripting language for websites and mobile apps. It’s considered a fairly easy language for beginners due to its readability and compact syntax, meaning developers can use fewer lines of code to express a concept than they would in other languages. It powers the web apps for Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio through its associated web framework, Django, and is used by Google, Yahoo! and NASA.

3.C Language

A general-purpose, imperative programming language developed in the early ’70s, C is the oldest and most widely used language, providing the building blocks for other popular languages, such as C#, Java, JavaScript and Python. C is mostly used for implementing operating systems and embedded applications. Because it provides the foundation for many other languages, it is advisable to learn C (and C++) before moving on to others.

Where to learn it: Learn-C, Introduction To Programming,,,Learn C The Hard Way.

4. C++

C Sharp

Pronounced “C-sharp,” C# is a multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. Combining principles from C and C++, C# is a general-purpose language used to develop software for Microsoft and Windows platforms.

5. Objective-C

Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used by the Apple operating system. It powers Apple’s OS X and iOS, as well as its APIs, and can be used to create iPhone apps, which has generated a huge demand for this once-outmoded programming language.

6. PHP

What it is: PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a free, server-side scripting language designed for dynamic websites and app development. It can be directly embedded into an HTML source document rather than an external file, which has made it a popular programming language for web developers. PHP powers more than 200 million websites, including WordPress, Digg andFacebook.


JavaScript is a client and server-side scripting language developed by Netscape that derives much of its syntax from C. It can be used across multiple web browsers and is considered essential for developing interactive or animated web functions. It is also used in game development and writing desktop applications. JavaScript interpreters are embedded in Google’s Chrome extensions, Apple’s Safari extensions, Adobe Acrobat and Reader, and Adobe’s Creative Suite.


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose language for managing data in relational database management systems. It is most commonly used for its “Query” function, which searches informational databases. SQL was standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the 1980s.

Collected :

tic tac toe

To test your skills against a modern foe, search “tic tac toe”.

On 1975, Students at M.I.T  build a computer almost entirely out of TinkerToys, that’s able to play tic–tac perfectly.



Competitive Programming

481950-project-managementProgrammers have a life, though mostly bound to their computers.

Competitive programming is a popular event for programmers and students alike that tests and sharpens the competitor’s knowledge and skill on mathematics and computer programming, and introduces aspiring computer performer  or computer master / computer geeks to the world.


Competitive programming is similar to quiz contests. Here a team or individual is given a number of mathematical and logical problems to solve using any programming language allowed by the host. The competition can span from just a few hours to even months. The categories of problems cover many mathematical concepts like data structures, graphs, number theory, dynamic programming, string processing, algebra, geometry and much more. The competitions take place online – on both local and global networks.

[ To be Continue]

don’t learn to code for computer software

Engineering and Programming are important skills.

There’s an idea that’s been gaining ground in the tech community lately: Everyone should learn to code.

ocusing on coding inflates the importance of finding the “right” method to solve a problem rather than the importance of understanding the problem.

Please don’t learn to code


Programmers Never Die…!!!

Programmers Never Die…!!!

But, Not In a day, or a Month, or an Instantly
You shouldn’t become an Expert Programmer, Software Engineer.
Absolutely, To become an Expertise Software Engineer through great Practices, Study.Programmers never die HD Wallpaper


I think that everyone knows a few or less info about ” Stack ” . but I like to post a simple idea about Stack that can help you.

A Stack stores data using first-in, last – out ordering. Absolutely, a stack is likely a stack of plates on a table – that the first plate put down on the table and the last palte to be used. Stacks are controlled through two operations called as push and pop.

JAVA :: Think Object Oriented Programming

html5+css3+javascript+responsive+icon-logo - Copywhat-is-java-what-is-javascript-logoObject Oriented Programming is at the core of JAVA…

In fact, all Java programs are Object Oriented and all computer programs consist of two elements : CODE and  DATA. Why Object Oriented Programming –  because Object Oriented Programming organizes a program around its data (that is Object) and a set of well-defined interfaces. Java programs are a collection of whitespace, Identifiers, Comments, Literals, Operators.

Java is a free form of language. This means that you do not need to follow any special indentication rules. A programmer could have been written all on one in line or in any other  strange way felt like typing it. In Java whitespace is a space, tab, or newline.

Identifiers are used for class names, method names, and variable names. An identifier may be any descriptive sequence of upper case (A, B, C…) & lowercase (a,b,c…) letters, numbers (0,1,2,..), or underscore (_), and dollar sign characters.  

Java is a case-sensitive, So VALUE is a different identifier than Value.

Major Three Principle of OOP

All Object oriented Programing has contained three major principle rules.

Python Environment :: Python Programming

Start up writing the Python programs, let’s understand how to set up our Python environment.
Python is available on a wide variety of platforms including Linux and Mac OS X. Try opening a terminal window and type “python” to find out if its already installed and which version you have if it is installed.

Unix (Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, HP/UX, SunOS, IRIX, etc.)
• Win 9x/NT/2000
• Macintosh (Intel, PPC, 68K)
• OS/2
• DOS (multiple versions)
• PalmOS
• Nokia mobile phones
• Windows CE
• Acorn/RISC OS
• BeOS
• VxWorks
• Psion
• Python has also been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines

Getting Python:
The most up-to-date and current source code, binaries, documentation, news, etc. is available at the official website of Python:
Python Official Website :

But for the Windows 64bit, using the Python 2.7.8 and it works properly on the Windows OS 64 bit. Before the installing Python on your Windows OS, lets should be confirmed your WINDOWS OS Architecture.   

Python :: Started Programming in a New Way Very Frequently

Yes !!! This world is the advanced generation. Everything being easy in this advanced generation for the programming technology.  Lets, I got to know the High Level Programming Machine Language Python after a long hard study on the programming language Python.

Python is a high level programming Language, Interpreted, Interactive and object-oriented scripting language  than any other programming language, that user can start Programming in a new way very frequently. Python was designed to be highly readable, which uses English keywords frequently where, as other languages use punctuation and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages.

Why Python Programming Language ||

Python is a new programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. An experienced programmer in any programming language or any Non – experienced programmer (whatever it may be) can pick up Python very quickly. Python can be easy to pick up whether you’re a first time programmer or you’re experienced with other languages. There has different environment of Python, such as Python 2.7 (windows 64bit), Python 3.4. Python Programming Language was started to build on the last 1989.

  • Python is High Level Programming Language.
  • Python is powerful and fast, Easy to learn is Open;
  • Plays well with others runs everywhere are friendly,
  • Python using in Web Programming and Web Base Software develop.
  • Python is a great language for the beginner programmers and supports the development of a wide range of applications from simple text processing to WWW browsers to games.
  • Python has a large List dictionary & Set base data structure, Large Standard Library tools.
  • Python coding is easier than C and JAVA. Python Programming code always in short form.

Python using on the Web Programming, GUI Devlopement, Scientific Numerical Computing Development, Software Development and System Administration, Network Programming, Software & Game Development

Python’s Features

Friendly & Easy to Learn :
Python community hosts conferences and meetups, collaborates on code, and much more. Python’s documentation will help you along the way, and the mailing lists will keep you in touch.
Easy to Read: Python code is much more clearly defined and visible to the eyes.
Easy to Maintain: Python’s success is that its source code is fairly easy-to-maintain.
Applications :
The Python Package Index (PyPI) hosts thousands of third-party modules for Python. Both Python’s standard library and the community-contributed modules allow for endless possibilities.
Open-source :
Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributed, even for commercial use. The python’s license is administered by the Python Software Foundation. 
Intuitive Interpretation : 
Calculations are simple with Python, and expression syntax is straightforward: the operators +, -, * and / work as expected; parentheses () can be used for grouping.

Interested people can download the Python Tutorial :python_tutorial


5 Ways to Become a Better Programmer

1.Know Basics

You should have a good understanding of the basics of the programming language in which you are working or learning. If your basic concepts are strong, then you can solve complex problems by breaking it into smaller problems. Your code should be neat and well structured, so that if you start working with the code after a few months, then you can easily know where you left off.

2.Practice a Lot

We all know the fact that “practice makes a man perfect”. For improving your skills you have to practice thousands of hours. There are plenty of ways practicing, like you can solve problems or find online programming contests. There are many awesome like, where you can practice.

We all know the fact that “practice makes a man perfect”. For improving your skills you have to practice thousands of hours. There are plenty of ways for practicing, like you can solve problems from good programming books or find online programming contests. There are many awesome website,, etc., where you can practice.

3.Be Amenable to Change

Technology is changing very rapidly, so you have to aware of such changes. You should make sure that the projects or technologies on which you are working are not outdated. For becoming a better programmer you should always engage yourself in learning new things.

4.Read a Lot

The more you read, the more you learn. Read good programming books, articles, documentations. The best way for reading and learning programming is to join various programming forums and contests.

5.Help Others

Join great forums like where you can help other programmers by answering their questions. By helping others you can find answers of your own questions. You can also ask questions in the forums and get your problems solved; this will help you to become better program

These are few tips that will surely help you in becoming a better programmer. If you have any other tips then please mention it in the comment section.


Test Interface (STIL) and Memory Core Test Language

IEEE Test Interface (STIL) and Memory Core Test Language – IEEE 1450 Series (Bundle): This bundle contains extensions to the test interface language defined that facilitate the use of the language in the design environment and the use of the language for large designs encompassing sub designs with reusable patterns

Programming Basic|Startup

For good programming, we should require average basic knowledge on a C or C++. Later we have need to

In our country, now sequentially increased programming fair and lots of teenager, youth was participating in the programming fair.  A few renowned programmers told that try to gather knowledge on programming concept by practice on programming, coding.

But don’t forget that most need basic knowledge on BOOLEAN ALGEBRAIC Functions and NUMBER System for doing good programming. Absolutely, that is the first condition to be a good programmer. You must have needed to know sufficient idea about this Boolean algebraic function and number system, because in the world, both of those using in c/c++, Java,, python or after all programming language. Because, computer, server computing, networking and after all electronic devices perform work with this 0 & 1.

Difference between # include in C/C++ and import in Java

*** Difference between # include in C/C++ and import in Java ***

– # include makes the compiler to copy header file code into the C/C++ program.
– It increase the program size, unnecessary wastage of memory and process time.

import statement makes JVM to go to the java library and execute the code there and finally substitute the result into java program.

– JVM physically will not copy any code.

import is efficient than # include

Happy Coding!! 

Greedy Algorithm

Greedy Algorithm?

A greedy algorithm is a mathematical process that recursively constructs a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts. Recursion is an approach to problem solving in which the solution to a particular problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem.

Greedy algorithms look for simple, easy-to-implement solutions to complex, multi-step problems by deciding which next step will provide the most obvious benefit. Such algorithms are called greedy because while the optimal solution to each smaller instance will provide an immediate output, the algorithm doesn’t consider the larger problem as a whole. Once a decision has been made, it is never reconsidered.

The advantage to using a greedy algorithm is that solutions to smaller instances of the problem can be straightforward and easy to understand. The disadvantage is that it is entirely possible that the most optimal short-term solutions may lead to the worst long-term outcome.

Greedy algorithms are often used in ad hoc mobile networking to efficiently route packets with the fewest number of hops and the shortest delay possible. They are also used in machine learning, business intelligence (BI), artificial intelligence (AI) and programming.

Advantages & Disadvantages|C Language

Advantages of C Language

1. C language is a building block for many other currently known languages.C language has variety of data types and powerful operators. Due to this, programs written in C language are efficient, fast and easy to understand.

2. C is highly portable language. This means that C programs written for one computer can easily run on another computer without any change or by doing a little change.

3. There are only 32 keywords in ANSI C and its strength lies in its built-in functions. Several standard functions are available which can be used for developing programs.

4. Another important advantage of C is its ability to extend itself. A C program is basically a collection of functions that are supported by the C library this makes us easier to add our own functions to C library. Due to the availability of large number of functions, the programming task becomes simple.

5. C language is a structured programming language. This makes user to think of a problem in terms of function modules or blocks. Collection of these modules makes a complete program. This modular structure makes program debugging, testing and maintenance easier.

Disadvantages of C Language

1. C does not have concept of OOPs, that’s why C++ is developed.

2. There is no runtime checking in C language.

3. There is no strict type checking. For example, we can pass an integer value.

4. for the floating data type.

5. C doesn’t have the concept of namespace.

6. C doesn’t have the concept of constructor or destructor.

Abstract Class |

What is an Abstract Class  

An abstract class is that class which is not used to create objects. – It is designed to act as a base class for other derived classes.

An example is shown below :

class student 
{ . . . . .
 . . . . . 
class marks: public student 
{ . . . . .
 . . . . . }; 
int main() 
marks m; 
. . . . .
 . . . . . 
return 0; 

Stack Implementation : Operations In C

Stack Implementation Using linked list

A structure is created which includes integer variable (int data) and a pointer to the next element.
Since it is a stack an element can be inserted from top and removed from top only as it follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.
While stack can be done imply using arrays yet we do using Linked list because an alternative has to be present and secondly Linked list provides dynamic memory allocation. In the program element is pushed using a push function and removed using a pop function created separately and called using a switch case.
Whats the advantages of using a SRUCT as a Node
It’s better to use an object so you could make a template an make this linked list very versatile because it can accept every object type as the data for the node. It will be like:

Platform Independent Programming Languages|PIPL

Actually, almost any language can be platform independent. It’s the distributable code that usually isn’t. Java code runs in a JVM. The JVM is platform specific, but theoretically Java programs will run on a JVM regardless of what OS it’s installed on.

Basically, any interpreted language should run on a system the successfully implements the interpreter. No one is 100% successful at this, however; no even Java. An executable is compiled for a specific OS. However, the source code can be completely portable. There are thousands of C and C++ programs that are said to be “cross platform” meaning they can be successfully compiled on different platforms without much pain. To clarify, not all languages use an interpreter.

A computer program, any program, executes within the context of some machine. The machine itself; CPU, memory, graphics card, etc, has a set of instructions it will run. These instructions are called machine code. Some, formerly most, programming languages are compiled into machine code. This results in a executable binary that runs directly against the machine itself. The result may be called compiled code and getting from source to binary is called compiling. Though sometimes as distinction is made between compiling and linking.

Java calls the process of going from source files (.java) to .class files compiling. However, the result can’t run on it’s own. The result is a preprocessed set of instructions ( p-code ) that the JVM ( interpretor ) runs. JVM stands for Java “Virtual Machine,”, the idea being that .class files are machine code inside the the VM. It’s a cute, if confusing, way for Java to obfuscate it’s interpreted nature. Because of the need for a middleman, the interpretor, interpreted languages are generally views as slower than their directly executable counter parts. However, the line can be blurry, depending how where the interpreting is happening. In some environments, the Operating System itself acts an interpretor for nearly everything executed.

A “scripting” language is usually interpreted, with an executable program reading the script and executing the instructions.